Do not sell or share my personal information

As described in our Privacy Policy, we collect personal information from your interactions with us and our website, including through cookies and similar technologies. We may also share this personal information with third parties, including advertising partners. We do this in order to show you ads on other websites that are more relevant to your interests and for other reasons outlined in our privacy policy.

Sharing of personal information for targeted advertising based on your interaction on different websites may be considered "sales", "sharing", or "targeted advertising" under certain U.S. state privacy laws. Depending on where you live, you may have the right to opt out of these activities. If you would like to exercise this opt-out right, please follow the instructions below.

If you visit our website with the Global Privacy Control opt-out preference signal enabled, depending on where you are, we will treat this as a request to opt-out of activity that may be considered a “sale” or “sharing” of personal information or other uses that may be considered targeted advertising for the device and browser you used to visit our website.

Il nostro magazzino

piu' di 800 mq di esposizione per ospitare migliaia di articoli

Prodotti sempre disponibili

scarichi settimanali permettono di avere prodotti sempre disponibili


Con l'obbiettivo di avere costantemente un assortimento vario in tutti i rami del settore Pet

Prodotti Nazionali e Internzionali

siamo promotori di novita' del settore,sempre alla ricerca di partner affidabili


alimenti e accessori specifici per il benessere del tuo amico a 4 zampe

Dove ci troviamo

Ci troviamo a Bari

via 4° traversa Glomerelli 8


telefono: 080 5746576


Aperti dal Lunedi' al Venerdi'

08.00-13.00 15.00-17.30

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